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2013 AGM Announcement

Please be advised that the Annual General Meeting of the Hudson Historical Society will take place on Monday March 11, 2013 at 7:30 p.m. at St. James Church Hall .

In addition to financial and committee reports, an important function of the Annual General Meeting is to provide the Society with an Executive to oversee its activities.  Our constitution calls for elections to be held during the AGM.  Pat McCaffrey has agreed to serve as Chair of Nominations.  It is her task to “draw up a list of candidates to be presented to the members in writing, two full weeks before the annual General Meeting.” (Article 7, Section 2 of the constitution of the Hudson historical Society.)

There are five Officers of the Hudson Historical society.  At present the following members occupy these posts:


President: Robert Kemerer *last year of second term

Past President: Martin Smith

Vice President: Maben Poirier

Treasurer: Tom Gonzalez

Secretary: Michael Burrows


There are four directors with “executive at-large” status:

Membership (Executive, at-large): Grace Thom

Chief of Research (Executive, at-large) Maben Poirier

Publications Director (Executive, at-large) Rod Hodgson

Archivist (Executive, at-large): Thelma McCourt

Special Projects (Executive, at-large):  Frank Hicks, Museum Curator


In addition Audrey Wall sits on the board as the representative of the Greenwood Centre for Living History with Visitor status. 

This year the current Executive (Officers and Members-at-large) will be completing its first two-year term.  Article 7 Section 1 of the by-laws of the Hudson Historical Society state that, Members of the Executive shall be elected by the members present at the Annual General Meeting, for a term of two years; an elected member of the Executive may hold a post for two terms only and can only be re-elected to that post after one full term (i.e. two years) has elapsed.

Accordingly, the officers and Directors “at large” are presenting themselves for re-election.  

Please note that Section 2 of Article 7 of the constitution also states that “The chairperson of the Nominating Committee shall call for other nominations from those present at the Meeting…”  It stipulates “… nominees must be members in good standing, have the support of at least two other members and must have agreed to stand.” In other words, a means exists for alternate candidates to present themselves and to run for office.  Those who wish to do so should contact Pat McCaffrey at (450) 458-5529

As usual at the AGM, the Executive will report on the past year’s activities.  Afterwards Clint Ward will present a video about the women of the ATA during WW II.


1)      Minutes of the 2012 Annual General Meeting

2)      Remembering the Deceased Members of the Society

3)      Reports (questions can be asked and comments offered following each report):

·         Archives (Thelma McCourt)

·         Finances (Thomas Gonzalez)

·         Greenwood  (Audrey Wall)

·         Membership (Grace Thom)

·         Publications (Rod Hodgson)

·         President’s Report (Bob Kemerer)

·         Museum report (Frank Hicks)

5)  Election of Executive:

·         Presentation by  the Nominations Chairperson of names of proposed candidates

·         Call for other nominations from those present

·         Vote.

6) Special Presentation: “Women of the ATA” by Clint Ward.

We hope to see you on Monday, March 11, 2012  at 7:30 p.m. at St. James Church Hall.

Yours truly,

 Bob Kemerer


Hudson Historical Society

(450) 458-4399
