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F.R. (Fred) Hodgson

F.R. (Fred) Hodgson

 Secretary Treasurer (and founding member) of the Hudson Hosiery, 1938 and Hudson Town Manager in the 1970's.

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William Manley Bourque

William Manley Bourque

 President (and founder) of the Hudson Hosiery Company, 1938

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Historical articles, stories and news

Welcome to article resource of the HHS. Here we have collected together all our articles, stories, and news that deal with the history of Hudson and its surrounding areas. There might even be some articles about historical happenings elsewhere in the world, but usually there will always be something in the story that links back to Hudson.

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Voyageurs, farmers, steamboat captains and more

Check this page soon!

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T.B. Macaulay and Mount Victoria Farm

You have seen Holstein cows in the countryside wherever you have travelled in Canada and the United States. Did you know that many of those herds can trace their ancestry back to Hudson? Holsteins are the main cows of the dairy industry, and Hudson played an important role in making this happen. You can find out more by reading a small (35 pages) book on the topic called T.B. Macaulay and Mount Victoria Farm. It was written by Rod Hodgson, who writes often in the Hudson Gazette on historical topics.

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Pioneer Families of Cavagnal Hudson Quebec: Vol I-VI

Roderick L. Hodgson
$27.00 *NEW price February 2021

A revised/edited compilation of 6 previous books on the subject *see overleaf of cover for full description of content and original authors.


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Submitted by webmaster on Sat, 2006-04-15 20:02.

T.B. Macaulay and Mount Victoria Farm

Rod L. Hodgson
$5.00 *Aug 2016

Thomas Bassett Macaulay was an insurance executive (Sun Life Assurance) and gentleman farmer. Descendants of his herd of Holsteins can be found throughout the world.

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Submitted by webmaster on Sat, 2006-04-15 13:47.

Community Memories Project Now Online

T. B. Macaulay portrait The story of two of Hudson's most famous citizens - T.B. Macaulay and his Holstein bull Joanna Ragapple Pabst ("Old Joe") - can now be found on the Virtual Museum of Canada's Community Memories site. Macaulay (1860-1942), president of the Sun Life Assurance Company for many years, also owned Mount Victoria Farms in Hudson Heights. Mount Victoria Farms contributed to the improvement of crops such as corn and soybeans, but is best known for its herd of Holstein cows that produced impressive quantities of butterfat-rich milk. Old Joe's descendents can be found in herds around the world.

Old Joe portraitHudson Historical Society Archivist W. Lambert "Scot" Gardiner, ably assisted by computer consultants Wendy Cohen and Trish Santa, devoted literally hundreds of hours putting T.B. Macaulay and Mount Victoria Farms online. Their work can be found at

While in the Virtual Museum be sure to check out another Hudson project, That was Phoebe: A Community Remembers its Past, the story of Phoebe Hyde and Greenwood. These are but two of the 77 fascinating stories contributed thus far by heritage organizations around the country. Canada's Virtual Museum is well worth a visit!

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